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Thursday, January 29, 2015

 Nollywood Eve Esin  wants to toe Cossy Orjiakor’s steps?
On Wednesday morning 27th of January, 2015, the delectable Nollywood actress Eve Esin who has featured in so many movies placed this pix on her display picture box of her BBM. When yours sincerely saw it, the question that hit my mind so hard that I needed to voice out  was if  this Nollywood super screen diva  was gathering momentum to be part of boobs-revealing-divas in the acting world.

We all know that the controversial actress Cossy Orjiakor, our booby queen is  daring, when it comes to boobs flaunting contest.  And since she has been occupying the throne as the queen of boobs, no one in the acting world has the liver  to challenge her. So, it is not wrong to ask if actress  Eve Esin  is gathering momentum to join the bandwagon. Flaunting more than three inches of the cleavage as she has done in this pix is how it starts. That was how Cossy started flaunting hers gradually and ladies were wondering if she knew  what she was doing  and before one could say Jack Robinson , she started showing what today  has become her style signature. So, Eve dear, over to you.

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