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Sunday, November 22, 2015

‘How would I forgive a hubby that wished me dead!’(2)

When her illness was getting worst, her mother came to Lagos to see her. “Three of us (my younger sister Rosa, myself and my mother) were having vigils every night. Praying and pleading to God to save my life. My three children were in school. Two in the university and the last one in secondary school was in boarding school. But they were calling regularly to find out how I was fairing. But Adolphus, their father (my husband) was busy with his business and Naomi his confidential secretary. He made Naomi’s place his safe haven. He said his house was crowded with my people just because of my mother’s presence and my sister. We didn’t allow his attitude disturb or distract us. We continued praying until God revealed to me in a dream that my ailment wasn’t cervical cancer as my doctor said. Though what was happening to me presented signs of cervical cancer but it was not. So, I intensified prayers and something strange happened.”

It was Laurencia that realized the efficacy of their night prayers and even pleaded with her husband to join them once in a while, “but he loved his sleep because he used to leave home early in the morning for work and needed all the rest before morning. So, I stopped bothering him. At a time my mother and my younger sister became tired, but I persisted. I chose to be sleeping in day and turned nights as the times for spiritual warfare. On the 21st night of my vigil, I was shown in a trance that I needed to get some sand from my husband’s compound in the village. Something that would serve as a point of contact from there. I told my husband that I was sending Rosa my sister to village so that she could start tidying up things. So that when we eventually traveled home, the whole place wouldn’t be in total mess. He looked at me with pity in his eyes and nodded thinking that I was also getting prepared for death,” she said.
Rosa travelled home to Uturu village, in Abia state and did as her sister instructed her. “She pretended to be tiding up the house and in the process scooped some sand which she wrapped in a paper and brought back to Lagos. She came home after two days and reports came from Adolphus’ step mother, his late father’s first wife, that Rosa ignored where she was supposed to pay adequate attention to and concentrated on the premises. I ignored her complaints, at least Rosa brought back some sand from the compound as I told her. Even when Adolphus was complaining that she came back just after two days, I didn’t allow that bother me. The very thing I needed for prayers, she brought it . So, I commenced with my vigils. I used the sand as a point of contact to return every evil thing done to me by anybody from that compound. I prayed according to my pastor’s directives. On the third night, he came to join us in prayers. That very night was hot because he prayed as he never prayed before and we all chorused amen. He insisted that my husband should join us and that one who loved to pretend to the man of God as if he cared about me, hurried and joined us. After the prayer, my pastor said that something strange would happen soon. He told me that my problem was over and honestly I felt great relief. The blood issue I was having dried up, I felt it and I started regaining my strength. I stopped taking my drugs which were not even effective in the first place,” she stressed.
Two days after the sand prayers with the pastor, Adolphus came home from office with some shocking news. “He said he had a call when he was in his office from a relative who told him that his father’s first wife had been acting funny of late. That she had been seeing some apparitions. And that she pleaded for Adolphus to come home with his wife. My husband ignored the message because the woman’s sons were up and doing. He wondered what his coming home with his wife Laurencia would do for her. So, we all ignored the message until the first son of the woman put a call to my husband,” she enthused.
To be continued

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