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Friday, November 27, 2015

I can flaunt all my body except those parts meant for my future hubby -Roseline Ogunyale, ex-Miss Odua

‘My style is simple with a touch of blonde hair’

What is the latest about you?
Nothing much! I have just been flowing with the breeze of life, embracing both the happy and sad moments. One cannot go through life without experiencing either of these two things.
What new things have you added to your profile since 2013 your tenure as Miss Odua was over?
I have been working  on my own little projects and partnering  with event organizers for shows, events and contests. Currently, I’m working on a contest called ‘Play Niaja’.
You said  Miss Odua Beauty Pageant was a door opener for you. How did it benefit your life?
Yes it was indeed a door opener because things became easier for me. I got to meet some important people in the country and also learnt a lot in terms of building my personality. I started seeing things differently.
Can you reach out to girls who are aspiring for one beauty pageant or the other? What do you think they should get ready with having experienced it?
They should be ready to face disappointments because every girl enters the competition with hope to win. And that way one would be disappointed if she doesn’t. Life is full of disappointments but when you have passion and faith in what you do, when it’s your time God would definitely crown you.

'Memories of my tenure are ever green'
 'I’m a bit curvy'
'Life is full of disappointments'

‘I’m a simple dresser but not with my shoes and hair’

Those who were crowned, can you advise them on how to go about it so that they would retain their dignity through out their tenure and afterwards ?
I would say that one of the most important attributes of a queen is her ability to remain humble during and after her tenure. A lot of newly crowned queens go about it the wrong way. They become pompous and some arrogant because they feel the world is at their feet. I advise you to stay humble, don’t ignore your old friends and don’t let the fame control your attitude. Remember lots of men would come your way but keep your dignity intact during and after your tenure. Seek guidance from your mentors.
You handed over your crown in 2013 at the end of one year tenure but you are even more prettier now. What are you doing right?
 I make sure I eat healthy, exfoliate my skin and detoxify my system when needed. Nothing extra ordinary. I love things natural, so I avoid artificial things.
Some ex-beauties loose their shape and waist-line because of unnecessary adding of weight in their tummy area. What are you doing to still remain slender and sexy?
Eating healthy and knowing my body works better with lots of weight management. I try to eat healthy and I definitely exercise both body and mind.
Are you still hoping to attend bigger beauty pageants or you are done with beauty pageants?
Oh no! I’m done contesting for pageants. I think I have other things to focus on.
Do you hope to be owner of beauty pageant one day and give young girls a platform that would empower them?
Yes, I do. I’m working on my pageant already. I’m half way there. Name has been registered only few things left and hoping to get sponsors. There are so many pageants out there and most of them only aim at scamming  young girls who only want to achieve their modeling goals in pageantry. I hope to make my pageant a free and fair contest and help groom the young minds to become the best they can be.
What experience thrilled you most when you were still reigning?
My desire to be crowned started from childhood. However it can quite be a nerve wracking experience for beauty queen to get everything her way these days in this country. For example in America or in UK, you will expect to be accompanied by our so called ‘Omo Onile’ (street urchins) every time you drive by (laughs out loudly.) Because the car you are driving has giving you away as a winner and you will expect people to hail you and often they demand for a hand out if necessary in most time. You can’t say no, no matter how small the amount was. But never the less, I think I really love the attention because that kind of promoted me.

You are now an actress. What are you enjoying most about it?
I’m not sure because I’m not 100 per cent into acting. I only act when I have free time. I have starred in Tinsel, a soap opera.
What was the craziest thing a male fan has ever done to you?
There was this guy that became very obsessed of me. He went to the extent of getting my mobile number (God knows whom he paid to get it from). And even pix-mixed my pictures with his and posted  loads of it  on his facebook page. He went as far as opening a page for us as a couple (giggled). I felt very awkward and scary.
If you have to relieve your life, would you still love to be a beauty queen?
Yes. I wouldn’t mind being a beauty queen.
You are doing well in showbiz, would you still love to be married one day and settle down?
I definitely see myself  being married sometime in the nearest future. Who knows it might be soonest (smiled).

What then are the qualities of your ideal man?
I know as women, we also feel we can pursue our career to the fullest but let’s not forget also that we are women and we are home makers. Therefore, we should draw our own limitations. And set a target for ourselves. When to chase career and money and when to start a family. So, having said this, my ideal man should be God-fearing. He should be a man that knows and sees that I’m perfect and have my flaws but will love me regardless. A man with zeal, or drive to succeed. A man that would love to have a family, a decent man. He should also be humble.
Let’s talk about fashion, define your personal style?
I think I have a very simple style when it comes to fashion. I’m not a flashy dresser and I don’t wear too many accessories because I have a flashy skin tone and I think that’s enough attraction. So, I always keep it simple but with a little touch of my blonde hair and nice shoes (giggled)
What fashion item forms a larger part of your wardrobe?
I would say my shoes, my hair, make-up and nails respectively. I’m a simple dresser but when it comes to my shoes and hair, I don’t keep it simple, not at all (smiled).
Fashion covers your flaws and flaunts every part of you. What part of your body can you flaunt with shoulders high?
I can flaunt all parts of my body except those parts meant for my future hubby (giggled). I’m a bit curvy and I love to wear shorts to show my legs and fitted wears to flaunt my curves.

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