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Sunday, November 22, 2015

My captivating personality made me a beauty queen –Samantha Ubani, Miss Imo State

Samantha Ubani studied Chemistry at the Imo State University. She is the current Miss Imo State, Miss Tourism Photogenic and former Face of Miss Imo State University. In this interview with Adaeze Amos, she gives an insight into her emergence and duty as beauty queen, among others.
Before you became the Miss Imo Beauty Queen, had you participated in other beauty pageants before?
Yes, I had done a couple of other pageants before I was crowned the ‘Miss Imo Beauty Queen’. For instance, I once contested for the ‘Queen of Trust 2013’ where I became the first runner-up. I also contested for ‘Miss University Nigeria’, and I emerged one of the top five. I was also the ‘Campus Queen of Imo State University’ in 2012 before I opted for ‘Miss Imo State Beauty Queen’. This means that I had good knowledge of what I was going in for.

 Tell us what happened on the night of the competition.
Honestly, it wasn’t an easy competition. We were 30 in number. The 29 others were also beautiful and intelligent girls alongside 15 guys.
 What do you think gave you the edge over the other aspiring queens?
I think I was favoured. God made it possible, and I have a captivating personality.
 What are your duties as the Miss Imo Beauty Queen?
As ‘Imo State Queen’, I’m a role model to young ladies, and I owe it to my state to promote tourism and development in the state and Nigeria at large. I have also been giving back to the society by visiting the homes for the less privileged, and also caring for the needy in my own little way.
How would your role as a beauty queen affect you positively?
Being a beauty queen comes with ample responsibilities because other young people look up to me. I don’t see this as a huge task because I will always be who I am. The reason is that, already I’m a responsible lady, with a good fashion sense. I’m humble, passionate and creative. So, what more do I need.
Which other ways have you been able to give back to the society?
I visit the orphanages, old people’s homes, schools to distribute writing materials and lecture the young ones on the importance of education and self worth. I also embark on some major projects which I would disclose later.
 What would you like to be remembered for when your tenure is over?
I would love to be remembered for my good deeds, the lives I have been able to touch and the smiles I put on people’s faces, among others.
How were you able to opt for ‘Miss Tourism Nigeria Photogenic’ when you were still wearing ‘Miss Imo Beauty ‘crown?
It was because Imo State Queen Organisation got a slot which was a franchise from ‘Miss Tourism Nigeria World’ in 2014. That gave me an automatic entry into the competition.
 How do you feel as a beauty queen with a double crown?
It was a great time for me irrespective of the fact that I had less than a month to prepare for that competition. I feel elated that I was able to make it to the top five. To be candid, being ‘Miss Photogenic’ was satisfying.
When you were younger, did it occur to you that you would be a beauty queen someday?
I picked interest when I was an undergraduate. My friends urged me to contest for ‘Miss Imo State University’ Ever since I emerged  the ‘Face of Imo State University’, I have been climbing, participating in bigger beauty pageants and winning, of course.
 Did you get your parents’ support when you started?
My parents weren’t in support, not at all. Maybe, they didn’t like the glamour, splendour and fame that are attached to the crown. Their fear was that young girls used modelling per se as an umbrella for immorality. But now, I have proved them wrong. I’m using the platform to reach out to people positively, to touch lives, give hope to people who desperately need it and to give womanhood a lift in our society. These are the things I have been doing ever since I became a beauty queen. I have been empowering and encouraging people in my own little way. By so doing, I have also been learning more about life and people because I have actually met people from different walks of life.
What exactly makes you happy about life?
A lot of things make me happy about life. First, my family makes me happy. Then, of course, the hope for an awesome tomorrow, nature, culture, people around me and life itself make me happy.
What do you think life would have looked like without beauty pageants?
Life would have still been great without beauty pageants. But I think it is better with beauty pageants because it gives beauty queens stronger platforms to reach out to people.
 Who are the great personalities and big companies/ countries you have been to since you were crowned queen?
I have met influential people and visited some countries. I have done a couple of adverts for big firms. I’m enjoying my tenure as a beauty queen.
 What would you do to improve the tourism industry in Imo State?
I will use my platform to encourage foreigners to exploit the tourist sites in the state. I will encourage the youth through excursions and events to promote the cultural heritage of the state
 What do you do to keep fit and maintain your shape?
I exercise a lot; I don’t relent at all!
 How do you think life would have been without fashion?
Life without fashion would have been boring, bleak, and colourless. I thank God that human beings are creative; someone would always think in different ways.  I think there would have still been fashion in one way or the other.
 Can you define your style?
My style is simple and classy.
 What is that style/trend you won’t go close to even if everyone opts for it?
I don’t think I will pierce my face (nose, mouth, eye) for anything. I will never do that. My face is important to me.
 Fashion is about covering your flaws and flaunting, if need be, your good sides. What is that good side you wouldn’t mind showing off?
I flaunt my smile. I have the world’s cutest smiles and sweet-looking robust cheeks (chuckles).
What fashion item forms a larger part of your wardrobe?
Shoes, of course. I love those works of art fondly known as shoes. In fact, I can spend a huge sum of money on good shoes.
 What lesson has life taught you?
Candidly, life has taught me to be good to people; they might not pay you back but God certainly will.
 When you had a heart-break, how did you wriggle out of the pains?
I haven’t really experienced a heart-break in life. I pray not to.
 Most beauty queens dump their boyfriends the moment they are crowned; what about you?
No, I have not. I don’t have a boyfriend. I’m still very single.
What are the qualities of your ideal man?
My man has to be understanding, loving, ambitious, physically great, humorous, God-fearing; I mean the David Beckham-kind of guy.
 Some beauty queens seldom think that marriage is important…
No, I believe in marriage (cuts in). Marriage is important.
 Which beauty queen, past or present, are you aspiring to be like?
Bianca Ojukwu.
 What is your philosophy of life? 
My philosophy is, what will be will be. I believe so much in that.

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