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Sunday, November 22, 2015

I can act as prostitute, my husband understands –Chinyere Wilfred

Chinyere Wilfred is a super-screen goddess, as it were. She has stayed up to two decades in the movie world and she is not ready to retire or step aside. She loves what she is doing with a passion and so would not quit. Her staying power, she says, is derived from the fact that she has an understanding husband, who is not jealous. In this interview with Adaeze Amos, she explores her unique world in Nollywood, recapitulating fond memories in a career that has thrown her up as a star. Excerpts:
What are your desires, aspirations and expectations in the new year?
Well, I’m expecting a whole lot of blessings from God. I know that this coming year is my year of explosion. I’m going to explode in the movie industry, in the music industry, in whatever I do. I’m going to receive uncommon favour from God. So, I’m expecting a whole lot of blessings from God. Besides, I have always been praying for Nollywood and I would tell you that there shall be no death again in the industry. The young would not die. We would not bury anybody again in Nollywood. In fact, last year alone, more than 10 people died and it happened within the same period of time. But it would never be our potion anymore. Never! It would never be our potion. We would all live and experience the goodness of God in our lives in the land of the living. Yes, we won’t bury anybody in Nollywood by the special grace of God.

Would you agree that some of the deaths in Nollywood occurred as a result of failure by most artistes to go for regular medical check-up?
It is a good step that some health insurance scheme had been introduced in the industry. But I want to disagree with the notion that actors have not been taking care of their health. I wouldn’t want to believe that any right-thinking person would leave himself without taking care of his health. If you fail to take care of yourself, anything can happen. Some of my colleagues that passed away had major problems. I heard that one of them was taking slimming tea just to shed weight and the thing destroyed his system in the process. So, I don’t really think there is any need for those slimming stuff and all that. There are some people it doesn’t go well for. Others died of other ailments, maybe typhoid, liver problem or some other health problems.
You are close to two decades in the movie industry; are you thinking of stepping out of the movie world for the younger actors?
Why would I step aside (laughs)? In movies, there are always mothers, aunties and what have you. So, I could take up such roles. I’m not ready to step aside for anybody. Moreover, they say ‘old solider does not die.’ So, acting is my job; it is my career.I don’t think I have any other thing to do for now. The industry is where I belong. And I’m still very relevant in the industry. So’ I’m not thinking of stepping aside. Never!
You just released a gospel musical video. What initiated this?
I had the opportunity to sing when we shot a movie titled Odum na- Akwa-Eke. I did the music of Odum na-akwa eke, like the sound track. It was so different and it did well in the market. Then, this one came up. It is , titled, Manifestation Time.
Do you hope to continue with it?
Yes I believe God, depending on my chance out there. The more they accept it, the more I give them something else. I believe in God that people would accept it because already, I’m getting calls from people who commend the music. I mean it is encouraging.
Most of your movies had to do with emotions, so much that you shed tears a lot; how do you let the tears flow?
Well, it comes when I’m in the character. You are given a character to interpret, when you read the character and begin to feel what is happening to the character, then tears would begin to flow naturally. I don’t think of anything, I don’t have to begin to think of something else that is emotional. I don’t do all that. I just read my script, and I see the character falling in place. And when they say ‘cut’, the tears would stop flowing.
As a producer, what movies have you churned out?
I have shot some moviesI did The Legend, which is my story and I produced that movie. I also produced Desperate Housewives. It is also my story and I produced it. I did one just recently but it is not out yet. The title of the movie is Not my Nation. I shot it in UK and Nigeria. This is a story about a housemaid from Nigeria and a family that was living abroad which was played by Monalisa Chinda and Joe, one other actor in the UK. They are living together and because of the workload, there is no time to take care of their children. They later came to Nigeria to pick a housemaid which happened to be me. I interpreted that character. Patience Ozorkwo played my mother and Diewait played the role of my father. They asked why would it be me that they would want to pick as a housemaid. After all said and done, after all quarrels and all that, I had to go. And by the time I went there, the man was like, I was a typical Nigerian woman he would like to have as his wife. The man started coming closer to me and in the process, I became pregnant and had a baby and later found out that in the character that Monalisa played, the children she had was not the man’s biological children. That was why the man wanted a child by all means. So when the pregnancy came, he insisted I must keep the baby and I did. Let me not finish the story, wait until it is out in the market.
Do you still go for auditions as you were doing when you started newly?
No, I don’t. They love what I’m doing and I appreciate them for that. I love them for that. Anytime they come to me, I appreciate them a lot.
How do you cope with stardom?
I’m used to it. Left for me, I would have loved to have my privacy, keep my family off from the eyes of the people. My job out there is my job and my family is my family. But the fact is, I don’t have privacy. It is because of my job; what would I do? I have to move on with it.
How do you cope with scandals and rumours that go with what you do?
Yes, I have had my own share of ugly rumours. But I have never cried over any false and scandalous rumour about me. I honestly do feel sad about them. It is really painful; at times, when you see some scandalous stories written about you, oh my God, it is honestly very painful. Please, I will like to say it openly here that if you hear any story about me, first call me and hear my own side, I’m not saying you shouldn’t publish but hear my own views too. It would please me if you call me on the phone to hear my own version of any rumour about me. If I fail to pick your calls, please do send text message, I would definitely respond.
But despite all the ugly rumours and scandals, do you still enjoy what you do?
Oh yes; I do enjoy what I do. It’s my job and I do enjoy the job. Whatever it is that they say or do would not stop me from doing my job. I love my job. No ugly rumour about me or scandal would stop me from acting; I love it. This is one profession that I have passion for.
In the industry, do you have some rivalries?
No, I don’t have. I don’t see any as my rivalry at all. Once it is not Panadol, it cannot be like Panadol. Remember that advert. Once it is not Chinyere Wilfred, it cannot be like Chinyere Wilfred.
Who are those that you admire in the industry?
I admire a whole lot of us. I don’t want to mention names but I love a lot of us.
Have you ever done a role that you regretted later?
No, I have not. Instead of me to regret later, I would first read the script and I won’t do it. There are a whole lot of scripts that I read, and I wouldn’t want to be part of it. I would just give one reason or the other not to be part of it.
What are those roles you would reject no matter the amount at stake?
Money is the real thing but at the same time, your name is at stake. Your dignity, your personality are all at stake. When the script comes, I would first discuss with the director. I would suggest ways it can be done and usually, most directors agree with my suggestion. Any character that comes my way, there must be a way out to do it. Yes, even if it means playing the role of a prostitute, I would play it and it would come out well and decent.
And your hubby would not complain over such a role?
No, he would not complain. He would read the script before I go on set now. He is at home with me. And he has never turned down any script. He knows it is my job, it is just a job. You would do your thing and go your way.
If you weren’t an actress, what would you have been?
I have not even thought of that. I don’t really know. Apart from acting, I would have loved to be an air hostess. That is one thing I have admired a lot. But thank God I’m into acting.
As Nollywood is replete with cases of broken marriages, what are the secrets of your successful marriage, 20 years on?
Honestly, it is God, it is just God. And marrying the right man. You have to marry the man that is your husband. Sometimes, you get married to somebody that is not your own and along the line it won’t work. And you can’t do magic. I think I got married to my husband. And God has been involved. Some ladies get married just because of money. That is where the mistake comes in. If you go in because he is loaded, by the time the load is no longer there, what happens? Marriage is much more than a man being loaded with wealth. It is all about asking God if that is your husband. Marriage has to do with life. It is a life-long thing. Your life partner, for the rest of your life. If you go into it because the guy is in money or that he is loaded, tomorrow, that money might not be there. And that means you would be out when the money is no longer there.
Apart from the money, some people are not compatible but they think they are. Along the line, they fall out. One thing or the other would make them fall out which is not the best. I’m not happy when my colleagues marriage is not working. It makes us look as if artistes are not the types that can stay in marriage. But it is not like that. One thing or the other may not be working well. That it is working out for ‘A’ does not mean it would work out for B. And if it doesn’t work out for ‘B’ doesn’t mean that is the way they are all in Nollywood. Actors/actresses are not happy that their marriage is crashing. Every woman wants to be in her husband’s house. Nobody is happy that her marriage has crashed. Every woman wants to get married. So, they are not happy when their marriage crash. That is why they still long to get married again. But the major thing is, marry your husband, not for money. Let it be for love.
Some men just marry for the simple reason that a lady is a star, what is your opinion about this?
Well, I don’t frown at this. What I frown at is that you marry a lady because she is doing well in her acting career and when she now becomes your wife, you don’t support her. When she goes on location and comes back late, you frown and complain bitterly. But before you married her, you knew about her career and now you are full of complains about her stardom and all that. This pisses me off.

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