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Sunday, November 22, 2015

I express myself through my looks –Thelma O’khaz

Thelma O’khaz is that Nollywood star you’d easily notice in a maddening crowd. This is because of her weird hairstyles and long, curved and artistic nails, which she says her sources of identity. Thelma, who is happily married with four children, speaks stardom and what thrills her about acting in this interview with Adaeze Amos
You have been known as a hot actress because of your dressing, are you going to mellow down this year?
I’m one person that hates to pretend. I dress the way I feel, and I speak more with my dressing. I don’t talk much, I prefer to express myself through my looks and if that means mellowing down, then I’m sorry it won’t be possible.
In your own words, who exactly is Thelma O’khaz?
Thelma O’khaz is an artiste; I sing and I’m also an actress. I’m from Auchi in Edo state.

If you weren’t acting and singing, what would you have preferred to do?
Maybe interior decoration or managing a big cosmetic shop….something that has to do with beauty.
What are your wishes, hopes, aspirations this year with regard to Nollywood and the way some of your colleagues died last year?
Our movies are to get better and more recognised all over the world but we need to put in more efforts. I wish and pray that our production gets better. Our story lines are more realistic. They touch people’s lives and they learn much from our movies. Most especially, we, the actors, should put in more efforts in our profession. It is true and indeed saddening that a lot of actors died last year. I pray we come closer to God and do His will this year.
When did you start having passion for acting and what movies brought you into the limelight?
As I have always said, there are things that define a person. What defines me is acting and singing. These two things are my calling in life. Those are the passion of my e x i s – tence and I have always known this since I was a child. I have featured in movies like ‘White Hunters’, ‘Women’s Cot’, ‘Born-Again Billionaires’, ‘Costly Mistake’, ‘Sisterhood of Darkness’, ‘Brides Apart’, ‘Before The Vow’, ‘2Face’ and many others. The movie that brought me into the limelight then was ‘White Hunters’. I honestly don’t know why. I guess people always remember the antagonist in a film (laughs).
What thrills you most about acting?
What thrills me most is the fact that you can become another person in a moment. Another thing is that I can express myself and not be accused or blamed for doing so and get paid for doing that. You get to imagine it and then you are given the opportunity to show it. No other profession allows that. It’s truly an amazing profession and when I’m acting, I feel so at home doing that. I’m never tensed or fearful. I’m just having fun.
How does your husband feel about some romance roles you take up? Does he support what you do as an actress and singer?
He knows who he married. He doesn’t have any problem with it because he knows it’s my profession, and that is where it ends. Any man that truly loves a woman will definitely take her for who and what she is. So, he supports me all the way.
Does he not frown at your weird dressing?
What you call weird may be normal to another person. So what you call weird maybe sexy to him.
Can you define your style?
My style has to do with comfort and being down to earth.
How do you cope with stardom?
My profession is something that has to be seen and noticed. It’s for the public and no matter how public it is, I do have my private time.
How do you cope with your long artistic nails?
My nails and hair are my source of identity. It’s important to me that it (nail) stands out and if it’s not artistic I won’t do it so it has to be long so that I can be more creative with it. I’m used to having my nails long and can do anything with them.
Who do you aspire to be like?
I don’t wish to be like anybody. I’m only inspired by some people like Julia Roberts. But for men, I’m more inspired by actors like Russell Crew, Michael Douglas, Anthony Hopskin and Brad Pit.

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