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Sunday, November 22, 2015

I can play romance role with any actor-Omowunmi Dada, actress

Omowunmi Dada  presents and do a lot of voicing both for radio jingles, documentaries and animations. The last and only girl in the family of four  is also an actress of great repute, a total thespian so to say. She studied Creative Arts in the University of Lagos. In this interview with Adaeze Amos she talked about her childhood, her acting career and her lifestyle.
Did you have your parents’ support to study Creative Arts?
It is true that my parents were strict disciplinarians but they were not the types that believed you had to be either a lawyer or doctor to be considered successful. So, I have always had their support. Although I have always had passion for what I’m doing but to me it’s not enough to be passionate about something. I believe in taking necessary steps to master my passion. So I have gone to school and I still take steps to learn more in front of the camera and behind it. I have always loved arts  right from being in cultural troupes in primary and secondary school. Funny enough my very first play was in primary five, my dad told me a story about Everyman and when it was time to leave for secondary school I called my peers and gave them the idea or re enacting the story. I directed it then. Of course there was no script but I put everyone through the little way I could and we had a good show.
When did you start featuring in stage plays?
I started featuring stage productions right from when I was in school. I have been part of over 40 stage projects some of which include opera, mime, pantomime and dramatisation of poems.  Then, for screen I have been part of over 20 projects(movies, short films inclusive and series )

What are some challenging roles you have interpreted?
I have a number of very challenging roles. For stage, the most excruciating was playing King Orodunni in the play titled Third world War. I was in year two then in school and at that point I was juggling between the play in school and an opera owned by a professional theatre company outside the school.  How I successfully did both still baffles me because they were Plays that required two extreme sides of me. I was both the 16 year old soprano singing girl in the opera and the deep and boisterous voiced Yoruba traditional ruler who was in his 50s. Being a lady, I had to first learn to walk and talk like a man. I then took it higher by studying and emulating  various mannerisms of kings. When we eventually staged the play, lecturers and students didn’t believe the king was not a man
 When it comes to romance roles who would you love to be paired with?
As a professional, I should be comfortable working with any other actor. I don’t have preference for any actor when it comes to romance. Work is work and it is easy that way
Which very movie brought you to the limelight?
I think the series that got me on people’s minds was Tales of Eve.  It was a good production.  You don’t see a tomboy character everyday and working with Kaffy who also acted gave the series some sort of popularity.
Is there any role you won’t accept and why?
Once I don’t believe in a character, I don’t accept the role
What do you enjoy most in acting?
I love the fact that a lot of things are unravelled to me in my bid to understand a character. The more research I make on the characters the more I’m able to understand different people and their psychology. Also it’s interesting when you stop being yourself and you enter someone else’s world.  I like it, honestly.
If you would have to relive your life would you like to come as a woman?
Oh yes I would definitely love to come back to this world as a woman. Women are strong and sensitive.  Whatever thing we set out to achieve we achieve.  We build homes ,thereby helping the men folk to build the society. We are clothed with strength and dignity.  If a woman gives you her word, then she’s got your back. Most of the times they say it’s a man’s world, but really is it? Both men and women work in unison to make the world go round. I don’t see a competition between the two  gender. We have very strong award winning female film makers and actors. Once you don’t set a boundary in your mind then there is no boundary
Can you relieve your first time on a movie set?
The first time on a movie set was when  I was the presenter for  Kids Alone, the first TV reality show for kids.  It was produced by Fidelis Duker and  being on set with a veteran like Bukky Wright who was the god-mother for the kids, I was so tensed. All eyes were on me . I didn’t quite understand why every crew member was there.  All  attention was on me. I felt as if I had the whole world staring at me. It was scary. I was shy and uncomfortable. Words failed me. I kept making mistakes out of so much rush of adrenaline. I had to excuse myself. I needed a bit of “Me” time.  I got to the ladies and I looked straight at myself in the mirror.  I said “Wummi, this is it . You will do this and be in front of people all through your life time. So the earlier you get used to it the better. I Made myself realise that I could do it and when  I got out and we rolled, it was a different ball game entirely .I blanked everyone out, got more comfortable  with myself and  shoot was brilliant.
Mention some of the movies you have starred in?
I starred in Ojuju which won the Best Nigerian Film in the recently concluded AFRIFF 2014, there is The Gods are Still Not To Blame, Romance Is Overrated,  Yes I Don’t, Public Property, A place called Happy, One Spice At A  Time, Love Lies,  Alibi to mention but a few.
Who lured you into Nollywood?
Nobody lured me into the industry. It’s a place I have always loved to be.  I didn’t get there by mere  coincidence or by a mistake. Nollywood is home for me
Who are you aspiring to be like in Nollywood?
I’m not aspiring to be like anybody in Nollywood but be that as it may, I  respect all veterans like joke Silva, Ahmed Yerima, Taiwo  Ajayi  Lycett, Carol king, Iretiola Doyle, Genevieve Nnaji amongst others. Also film makers like Tunde kelani, Emem Isong to mention but a few.
What is the very challenge confronting the acting industry?
Funds is a big challenge in our industry, I must say. A lot of film makers are incapacitated by this very challenge and it metes out on the actors too . Also I truly hope and pray that someday we would have a film village.  A place we can call our own. It will make things super easy for us.  Another thing that saddened me is how we still look at Hollywood to tell our stories. I hope it will change in the nearest future. As Africans we need to learn to love and tell about our own stories and history. I mean  and tell it well.
When you are heartbroken what do you do to wriggle out of the pains of heartbreak?
First and foremost, I want to say that I love music a lot.  Little wonder when I’m happy I sing and dance. Then also when I’m heartbroken I sing and cry. I believe in such a time as that it’s very alright to shed the tears and let the hurt go. Music helps me a lot though
What are the qualities of your ideal man?
God fearing, future- oriented, calm, caring . I like tall, dark and handsome who has a good taste for looking good and clean too. (laughs)
Are you looking at settling down soon?
I believe  that when  it’s time then it’s time.
What is your life phylisophy?
Irrespective of what life throws at you, make a decision to  leave a legacy that is worth celebrating.
What puts you off people?
What puts me off people is arrogance. It is alright to have a sense of dignity and pride but when you are proud, I’m sorry you are a no-no for me.
What very lesson has life taught you?
Life has taught me to always strive to better myself. Reason is that the moment one stops trying to become a better person, is the moment she starts becoming worse than she already is.
When you are down, what do you do to be inspired?
When I’m down, I just love to go to the beach, enjoy sea waves with music in my ears.  It works like magic for inner mind opens to a whole lot of  things.
How do you think life would have looked like without fashion?
Life without fashion would have been simply boring. I can’t imagine it.  Life basically will be in grey, very monotonous, tiring and dull. Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. Now imagine how life would have been without all of these
What part of your body wouldn’t you mind flaunting?
I believe everyone is beautiful and the fact that we are all created in God’s image is a wonderful thing to behold. But then, human wants are insatiable.  Most times we tend not to always want what another person has decided to flaunt always.  I like every part of my body. What part do i love to flaunt? I think my legs and feet.
Can you define your style?
Style is a way of saying who you are without having to speak. To me comfort/ elegance is key.Elegance is the only beauty never fades and a woman should wear the clothes and not having the clothes wear her. So, to answer your question, simplicity is my watchword when dressing up. Reason? Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Do you follow vogue sheepishly?
I’m not really into vogue and trends. I’m not a slave to fashion,  that is how it should be. Don’t allow fashion take charge of you, but you decide what you are, how you want to exprehow yourself by the way you dress and the way you live. Fashion should be a form of reflection and not a form of imprisonment. The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the care that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows and the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years.’
 What very fashion accessory wouldn’t  you mind spending huge money on?
I think shoes.  I adore shoes a lot

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