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Sunday, November 22, 2015

I quit marriage because I was being battered –Judith Iwuh, actress

Judith Iwuh is the first female in the family of three siblings. She went into stage drama before joining Nollywood. In this interview with Adaeze Amos, she speaks about the challenges of bringing up children as a single mother, among other issues.
When did you start acting?
I started with stage drama. That was in 2008. I was with the First Global Event, a drama group. The late Ambassador Olusola was our patron. We used to travel from one place to the other to entertain people on stage.
Which is more tedious, the stage drama or movie set?
Stage drama is more tedious because you have to do everything live. If you make a mistake, you can’t reverse it. There is no room for correction and everyone would see that you have made a mistake. Stage drama was more challenging but I was enjoying it. I had the passion for acting right from when I was in secondary school. Even then, I used to give myself a situation where I would be interpreting roles on my own. Some of my classmates in school usually thought I was possessed while doing that. They used to call me ‘Ogbanje’ (evil spirit) because I would be talking to myself while interpreting roles on my own…roles that were not used in any drama. It was fun then doing it. My friends then didn’t understand me. But I was never bothered; I was acting on my own. I remember then, there was one mad woman they used to call ‘Nda Lucy’. Because I was acting on my own, they started calling me ‘Nda Lucy’. I used to myself a lot. I have always lived being in my own. They made gossips about me and some would call me mad woman frontally.

Where do you think you got the talent of acting?
Actually, I got this talent from my maternal grandmother. She too was an actress, but she was only acting in the church. She had a drama group she introduced to the church. I think that was where I got the talent. Later, when I joined a drama group, she advised me to join Nollywood. I did in 2009.
What was your first time in movie like?
It was honestly easier because there was room to make mistakes and do corrections. But on stage, there is no such thing. You make a mistake, the director would reprimand, shout at you to get out of his set. You have to carry lines in your head and when you have made a mistake, it’s irretrievable. The movie is easier but I enjoyed stage drama as well.
Which are the movies you have featured in?
I have featured in so many movies. I have featured in ‘Enemies of Progress’ and I played alongside Nkem Owoh as his wife. I also featured in ‘Greedy Brothers’ where I acted alongside Sam Loco. I actually played the role of his daughter. I also acted with Chiwetalu Agu, in a movie entitled ‘Lady One Day’.
Of these movies, which do you think brought you into the limelight?
I think it was ‘Enemies of Progress’. I played the role of an elderly woman in the movie, and I did it quite well. I played as Nkem Owoh’s wife. In that movie, my kids were rascally and I was a calm woman. My husband was rascally as well because he was doing everything with force. He wanted to bring them down. I was calm, advising him to take it easy. Playing with a big star like that really helped to bring me into the limelight. People were calling me from abroad and telling me they were very proud of me after watching the movie. That movie really brought me into the limelight.
Have you featured or interpreted romance role before?
I have on many occasions. There was one I as a runs girl on campus, doing my thing when I was supposed to have been taking my studies seriously. I was going about with my friends, sleeping around with men. At a time, we met some occult men that sucked our breasts, and they got swollen.
Are there some roles you won’t accept?
I would accept every role with the exception of being nude. I would even accept romance roles to some extent. I can kiss in movies but not deep; I can’t kiss tongue to tongue. I know other stars are doing it but I won’t be able to do that. But if I’m under pressure, maybe from the director, I wouldn’t have any choice than to do it.
Who would you want to be paired with in romance movies?
It is either Desmond Elliot or Majid Michael. I can do that with just these two actors.
Why do you choose these two actors?
They have strong acting prowess. I love them a lot. They interpret roles well. Apart from the fact that they are the kind of guys I can date, I like the way they interpret roles and their physical packaging is okay.
What exactly makes you happy about what you do?
I like changing from one character to the other. It is good if you actually know how it feels. You are a lawyer today, you are a married woman tomorrow, or you are a doctor. Honestly, I like it. I think that is the main thing that thrills me; changing from one character to the other. Being one person and another at some other times, thrill me. Tomorrow you are a mad woman, today you are a housewife and so on. Maybe, after tomorrow you are a police woman. I feel at home with every role.
Who are the Nollywood stars you admire?
I like Omotola. Apart from the fact that she acts well, I like her built. I also like Joke Silva. I like her command of English language and her acting prowess.
What stands you out in your look?
The crazy colour of my hair stands me out. It speaks for me. It makes me distinct. I could wear red, blue, golden hair at the same time. I like it that way. Even if you don’t know my name, maybe you are seeing me for the first time, or you are describing me, if you make mention of the colour of my hair, they would say Judith Iwuh.
How about tattoos, do you wear them?
I don’t like tattoos. But I love to wear sexy revealing clothes, but I don’t reveal my cleavage.
Which part of your body would you love to flaunt?
My hot legs; that is why I go for mini-dresses and skirts. I also flaunt my sexy figure.
Any plan for marriage soon, or is it not in your agenda for now?
I don’t wish to talk about my private life in public.
Is talking about marriage public?
Well, I got married at 17 but it didn’t work out.
Why did you get married that early? Were you madly in love then?
If you say so, okay I was madly in love then. I had three kids from the marriage.
Why did you opt out?
Please that is the much I can tell you, I don’t wish to go further.
But do you wish to remarry after all you would be 32 years old soon?
I’m still trying to come out from the trauma of my first marriage. I wouldn’t want to dabble into anything called marriage for now. If God says yes, why not? It all depends on God. If he says I have this man I would give to you and you would be happy again, fine sand good but for now, I can’t talk about marriage.
Can you reach out to women in hellish marriages, where they are being beaten and battered, and they stay because of what people would say?
It is wrong to remain in such a marriage because if you die you are gone. But the main thing depends on the area of their shortcoming. If it is the one you can manage with prayer, fine and good. But if it has to do with battery, that one is actually very risky. That was actually the one I experienced. If it has to do with battering, I’m not saying you should just opt out, call some of his relatives, your pastor or the people he can listen to and see if he would listen to them. But some of them hardly change. in such situation, you have no alternative than to leave the marriage alive. You have to consider your life first. If you die, you are gone forever. You would be surprised he would remarry in the next two months. If it is unbearable, don’t stay there and watch him kill you.
What does it take to be a single parent?
It is very challenging and come to think of it, I have two boys and a girl. You know what it means bringing up boys without their dad? I think it is God that has been helping me. God has been awesome; by his grace, I have been carrying on, but it is very challenging I must tell you.
Who is the man in your life now?
I’m in a relationship but I cannot carry my burden to my guy. There are limits of the thing he should do. I know this is my burden and I’m carrying it.
What are the qualities of your ideal man?
I’m not particular about the height of a man. I’m particular about the character. I like honest men…a man that can respect me and like me for who I am. Looks don’t matter to me.
How about his money?
Well money follows too but that shouldn’t be the main thing.
When you are not at work, what do you do to unwind?
I go swimming or I clubbing, especially on Fridays. But I do swimming often. That is the only exercise I do.
When you are down, what do you do to derive inspiration?
I pray and sing praises. I sing praises a lot. I could lock myself inside my room and sing praises and cry out to God.
What is your most striking prayer point?
I ask for strength from God because it is not easy being a single parent. I always pray for strength and His divine favour.
Does your ex-husband call you on the phone to ask about his kids?
He does but he doesn’t contribute to their upkeep. I have been doing that for eight years. But honestly it has not been easy.
Apart from acting, what else do you do?
Nothing for now, but I intend to run a beauty parlour. I’m planning towards it. I’m in fulltime acting for now.
Can you tell us more about your movies?
There is the most recent one that is in the market now. It is entitled ‘Oga Madam’. I played the major role.0

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