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Sunday, November 22, 2015

I can’t do a role that would incite violence-Meg Otanwa, actree

Benue State-born Meg Otanwa started her acting career with roles in TV dramas such asCoffee Shop and Atlanta. Ever since then, she has been in showbiz. In this interview withAdaeze Amos, she speaks about her lifestyle and her acting career, among others.
 Tell us about your background.
I have a Bachelor’s degree in English from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna State. I have a Master’s in Human Resource Management from Time University, Tunisia. I attended a business school at Universite Jean Moulin Lyon, France.
 Why did you opt for a career in acting?
Acting is something I have always been very passionate about. When I started, it didn’t take much time for me to start being seriously involved in the industry.
 How many movies have you starred in?
Quite a number really, with some TV series.
Which is the most challenging of them all?
With acting, it is pretty difficult to tell which is more challenging because every role you play has its own characteristics, which are often not the same as yours as an individual. That said, my very first movie which was Emem Isong’s “I’ll take my chances’ was very memorable because it was my first, and the first time I’ll be shooting anything outside of Lagos.

Which movie do you think shot you into the limelight?
I would say the movie, ‘All that glitters’, directed by Desmond Elliot and it featured Ini Edo, Alex Ekubo, Sunshine Johnson and Diana Yekini. It was distributed far and wide, and a lot of people got to see it.
In romance roles, which actor/actors would you love to be paired?
Romantic role/scene is very difficult to pull off and I doubt if it’s something most actors look forward to. You do it because you have to do.
Is there any role you would turn down?
As an actor, one should be able to portray every character and do whatever is needed to, not just tell a story but to tell a story beautifully. However, I will not do a role that would incite violence or be deemed insensitive to other people’s beliefs.
What do you enjoy most in acting?
The thrilling experience of being able to embody a character different from who one really is. It is a mind-blowing and gratifying experience for me as an actor.
What thrills you about life and being a woman in a male-dominated society as ours?
I enjoy being a woman in a man’s world, after all men can’t wear dresses but women wear pants.
If you would have to relive your life, would you love to come as a woman?
Oh definitely, because women are the bedrock of the society.
Can you relive your first experience on a movie set?
It was very memorable. It was the set of ‘I’ll take my chances’, directed by Desmond Elliot and shot in Lagos and Calabar. All of my scenes were shot in Calabar, so I was there for a while. Calabar is a very beautiful and peaceful place. I was on set with Ini Edo, Bryan Okwara, the late Sam Loco, and a few others. Everybody was very supportive and they made the experience worth it.
What movies have you starred in?
‘I’ll take My chances’ is one of them,  ‘IDDO’, ‘Tarzan monologue’, ‘Doll house’, ‘All that glitters’, ‘GIIDI culture’, ‘Atlanta, October 1’, among others, with a few popular TV series and some big ones coming out in a few weeks, notably ‘The team  (Nigeria)’ and ‘Before 30’.
Who were those in Nollywood that motivated you into showbiz?
I have a lot of respect for all the actresses who were there before me and paved the way for those of us who are relatively new.
Who are you aspiring to be like in the movie industry?
I aspire to be the best version of me.
What are those lapses in Nollywood you would want to talk about?
The most obvious ones are the problems of distribution and funding, and truthfully it’s not a problem unique to Nollywood. Other movie industries suffer the same thing. However, the industry is fast growing and things are taking shape for the better, so it is an interesting time to be in the industry.
When you had a heart-break, what did you do to wriggle out of the pains?
Heartbreaks are handled differently by different individuals be it the loss of loved ones or disappointments in any form. The ultimate would be to look for solace in God because he is the ultimate comforter.
What are the qualities of your ideal man?
There is a saying that “find a man who will not cheat on God and you’ve found a man who won’t cheat on you”. . I go simply by that.
Are you looking at settling down soon?
I guess we would cross that bridge when we get there. Fingers crossed.
What is your life’s philosophy?
Never judge a book by its cover; most of them are still being written.
What lesson has life taught you? And what puts you off people?
Life has taught me to be your brother’s keeper. People who are insensitive to the plights of others put me off.
When you are down, what do you do to derive inspiration?
The truth is that one doesn’t necessarily have to be down to seek inspiration. One needs a source of inspiration to keep going, be it the Bible or whatever holy book one’s religion permits. It reminds one of God’s love for mankind and that when we put our trust in God, we can do all things. Inspiration could also come from listening to music, stilling one’s mind and observing nature.Aside from acting, what else do you do for a living.When I do find the time, I engage in corporate businesses.
How do you think life would have been without fashion?
Fashion does not only exist in the dresses we wear, it has to do with ideas, the way we live, things happening around us; so how can there be a world without fashion?
What part of you can you flaunt with shoulders high?
Fashion for me is about channelling my inner beauty, which is indeed the true beauty of a woman. So, I do just that with shoulders high.
Can you define your style?
That would be classy and vintage.
Do you follow vogue?
I’m more into my own style and not necessarily what is deemed trendy. I don’t let fashion own me; I decide what I want to express by the way I dress and feel.
What fashion item makes a larger part of your wardrobe?
What is that style you won’t go close to?
Whatever is not a representation of the way I feel.

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