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Monday, November 23, 2015

Ex- Miss Odua, Rose George Taiwo still looks stunning

Roseline Tinuola Ogunyale dazzles in hot pictures

Do you remember her? Roseline Tinuola Ogunyale, an ex-beauty queen, the Miss Odua 2012/2013?  Take a closer look at her. She is of course the one. Guess what? She still looks stunning.

 Though, she handed over her crown to another queen when her tenure was over but she didn’t hand over her swag, beauty, shape and her dress sense. Little wonder the old cliché ‘once a queen, always a queen. Her poise is still intact.
'Memories of my tenure are ever green'

Amazingly, a lot has been added to her profile ever since her tenure was over. Miss Odua Beauty Pageant was a door opener for this diva.  Keep in touch with us as we unveil the totality of Miss-Odua 2012 in an  interview soon.